The illustrious Cathie has been with Odd Jobs working in project scheduling since 2023 when she started working part-time. As more and more calls came, we quickly realized that we need Cathie to be here full time. When Cathie isn’t wowing customers with her great attitude and communication at work, she is at home likely playing with her dogs or taking care of her family. Cathie loves making clients happy (which is great because that is something we get to do a lot!). She loves her quick commute to work and enjoys the ability to help and go the extra mile every day to make the technicians and clients experience better.
Random Facts About Cathie Cate
- Favorite Sport and Sports Team: Basketball and MSU Football
- Favorite Food: Pizza
- Favorite Restaurant: Tomato Brothers in Howell
- Talents and Hobbies: Painting and gardening
- Where Would You Go with All Expense Paid Vacation: St. Croix and St. Martin
- Favorite Movie: Top Gun
- Favorite Place to go in Michigan: Fishing in Elk Lake near Traverse City
- Favorite Season: Fall
- Favorite Holiday: Christmas, such a magical season!
- Biggest Phobia: Snakes
- Favorite Color: Turquoise
- Favorite Dessert: Coconut cake and many more!
- Where Do You Live? Williamston